Advisory ICT

ICT for crisis management and peacebuilding

Report on global mapping of technology for transparency and accountability

The Transparency Accountability Initiative recently released the final report on a Global mapping of technology for transparency and accountability. As the launch press release avers, As internet and mobile phone  ...

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UN Crisis Information Management Advisory Group (CiMAG) Meeting, 19 May 2011

ICT is a huge enabler and source of empowerment, allowing individuals to take some, albeit limited, control of their own destiny within the chaotic framework of a crisis, natural disaster  ...

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Thematic Workshop at WSIS Forum 2011: Mainstreaming Crisis Mappers and Social Media in Crisis

For the second consecutive year, the ICT4Peace Foundation was invited to host a thematic Workshop at the annual WSIS forum in Geneva. Under the title Mainstreaming Crisis Mappers and Social  ...

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3rd International Conference of Crisis Mappers: Mainstreaming Crisis Mapping?

The ICT4Peace Foundation, the Swiss Confederation and the European Commission’s Joint Research Center are pleased to announce and invite you to participate at the 3rd International Conference of Crisis Mappers  ...

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ICT4Peace Foundation, Georgia Tech and the Berkman Center for Internet & Society on future of ICTs in peacebuilding and crisis response

The ICT4Peace Foundation, Georgia Tech, and the Berkman Center for Internet & Society organised a strategic brainstorming meeting to discuss key questions and learnings in technologies for development, disaster management, crisis mapping  ...

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Every peace matters: Crisis Management Initiative (CMI) 10 Year Anniversary

ICT4Peace’s Daniel Stauffacher was privileged to attend President Martti Ahtisaari’s Crisis Management Initiative (CMI) 10 Year Anniversary Celebration on 19 April in Helsinki. Over 700 people and many more online  ...

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