Advisory ICT

ICT for crisis management and peacebuilding

The limits of the web and Internet to engender democracy?

From the New York Times comes an interesting news story on how the junta in Myanmar thwarted the use of the web and Internet by pro-democracy activists. It was about  ...

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Partnership between the ICT4Peace Foundation and the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)

1st October 2007, Geneva, Switzerland: The ICT4Peace Foundation is pleased to announce the new partnership between the ICT4Peace Foundation and the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs  ...

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7th Global Forum on Reinventing Government recognises role of ICT in developing countries

7th Global Forum on Reinventing Government recognises role of ICT in developing countries The 7th Global Forum on Reinventing Government , via the Vienna Declaration on Building Trust in Government,  ...

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The Role of Information Technology in Crisis Management

  This is a foundational lecture by Kristiina Rinkineva, Programme Director, Crisis Management Initiative, on the Role of Information Technology in Crisis Management at the 14th EINIRAS Conference 30.9.-1.10. 2004. Ms. Rinkineva  ...

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