
UAV Experts Meeting at the United Nations

Co-sponsored by the ICT4Peace Foundation, the Experts Meeting on Humanitarian UAVs was held at the UN Secretariat in New York on Thursday, 6th November 2014. A full report by  ...

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International Conference of Crisis Mappers 2014: New York

The ICCM 2014 conference in New York, which the ICT4Peace co-funded and co-curated, concluded successfully. The Foundation’s support of ICCM extends a number of years. In 2011, the Foundation organised  ...

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IDB and OAS Workshop on Regional Cybersecurity Policies, Washington DC

ICT4Peace Foundation was invited to contribute to the Workshop on Regional Cybersecurity Policies organised by the Interamerican Development Bank (IDB) and Organisation of American States (OAS) on 22 to 24  ...

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Supporting ICRC’s Global Partnerships for Humanitarian Impact and Innovation

Photo courtesy ICRC Daniel Stauffacher and Sanjana Hattotuwa from the ICT4Peace Foundation were invited to attend the inaugural Global Partnerships for Humanitarian Impact and Innovation conference held on October 16th  ...

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ICT4Peace’s Daniel Stauffacher participated in the Sino-European Cyber Dialogue

Daniel Stauffacher from the ICT4Peace Foundation was invited to participate in the Sino-European Cyber Dialogue (SECD) convened on 25-26 September 2014 in Beijing, China, following the first meeting in Geneva  ...

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