AI, disinformation, misinformation and hate speech

HUDERIA: New tool to assess the impact of AI systems on human rights

A new Council of Europe tool that provides guidance to carry out risk and impact assessments for Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems, approved by the CoE Committee on Artificial Intelligence in Strasbourg on 28 November 2024.

HUDERIA: New tool to assess the impact of AI systems on human rights ICT4Peace welcomes the new Council of Europe tool that provides guidance to carry out risk and impact  ...

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Dr Sanjana Hattotuwa’s article: “We are engaged in a world war of stories – a war between incompatible versions of reality – and we need to learn how to fight it.” Salman Rushdie, Knife

Article by Sanjana Hattotuwa, Special Advisor, ICT4Peace for the The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)

“We are engaged in a world war of stories – a war between incompatible versions of reality – and we need to learn how to fight it.” Salman Rushdie, Knife  ...

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Congratulations to the Zurich Film Festival (ZFF) on its 20th Anniversary.

Note on the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of the Zurich Film Festival (3.10 - 14.10. 2024)

ICT4Peace congratulates the Zurich Film Festival (ZFF) for its 20th Anniversary and is grateful to have been its partner for many years. We at ICT4Peace believe that Cinema has the  ...

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Digital Distortions: Sophie Achermann on online harms, and gendered violence on social media

The ICT4Peace Foundation is delighted to release the Fourth episode of Digital Distortions, a podcast series looking at the role, reach, and relevance of disinformation, and truth decay in contemporary  ...

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Les “Techs” Civiques Francophones: Un acteur du Développement et de la Promotion des Droits Humains.

Event at HEID as part of WSIS+20 organised by the Organisation Internationale de La Francophonie and ICT4Peace on 30 Mai 2024 at 18:15

Highly relevant and successful “Techs” Civics Francophones presented their projects on 30 Mai 2024 at HEID Geneva, an event organised by the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie OIF and ICT4peace.   ...

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Digital Distortions: Marie-Astrid Langer of NZZ on reporting technology, and life in Silicon Valley

ICT4Peace Podcast with award-winning Journalist Marie-Astrid Langer, US Correspondent of Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ)

The ICT4Peace Foundation is delighted to release the third episode of Digital Distortions, a podcast series looking at the role, reach, and relevance of disinformation, and truth decay in contemporary  ...

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