AI, LAWS, Converging Technologies and Peace Time Threats

Presentation at OpenGov Hub on Big Data

Sanjana Hattotuwa from the ICT4Peace Foundation was invited to deliver a brown-bag presentation at the OpenGov Hub in Washington DC in late April. His presentation was on Big Data and  ...

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Consultation on “Protection in violent situations – standards for managing sensitive information”

Dutch Red Cross worker Meike Groen, working for the ICRC in Haiti, helps people use the satellite phone to reassure relatives that they are alive, via Flickr. © ICRC / Marko Kokic /  ...

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Using citizen journalism to bear witness to violence: TED Talk

Special Advisor to the ICT4Peace Foundation, Sanjana Hattotuwa delivered his TED Talk at TED 2011 in Long Beach, California.

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