AI, LAWS, Converging Technologies and Peace Time Threats

Groundbreaking ICT4Peace Mapping Study on the Use of ICTs in Security Services provided by Private Commercial Actors

"From Boots on the Ground to Bytes in Cyberspace - A Mapping Study on the Use of ICTs in Security Services provided by Private Commercial Actors". With the generous support of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affair’s Peace and Security Division

Groundbreaking ICT4Peace Study: From Boots on the Ground to Bytes in Cyberspace: Mapping Study on the use of ICTs in private security services by commercial actors by Anne-Marie Buzatu, ICT4Peace Executive  ...

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At Geneva Peace Week – From Boots on the Ground to Bites in the Cyberspace – The emerging Role of Private Cybersecurity Services Companies

Presentation at Geneva Peace Week of the ICT4Peace Mapping Study on Private Cybersecurity Services carried out for the Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs

ICT4Peace Vice-President Anne-Marie Buzatu along with Frédéric Chenais of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA and Vincent Bernard from ICOCA presented and discussed at Geneva Peace Week the groundbreaking mapping  ...

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ICT4Peace launches Brown Bag Podcast Series by Sanjana Hattotuwa with Ivan Sigal from Global Voices

ICT4Peace is delighted to launch the ICT4Peace Brown Bag Podcast Series on Social Media, Politics and Society from a Global South perspective, hosted by ICT4Peace Foundation’s Special Advisor, Dr Sanjana  ...

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The Digital Space and Peace Processes – A Thought Piece

By Lisa Schürch - A joint publication by Principles for Peace, Fondation Hirondelle and ICT4Peace Foundation

The Digital Space and Peace Processes – A Thought Piece “This brief informs the Principles for Peace (P4P), a global participatory initiative to develop a new set of principles, standards  ...

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Ethical and Political Perspectives on Emerging Digital Technologies

ICT4Peace and ZHET Publication by Regina Surber (Author) and Daniel Stauffacher (Editor)

ICT4Peace, in cooperation with the Zurich Hub for Ethics and Technology (ZHET),  is pleased to publish this compilation of policy briefs op-eds and recorded talks (2017 – 2022)  by Regina  ...

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