AI, LAWS, Converging Technologies and Peace Time Threats

Contact-tracing apps are important but less effective in a social welfare vacuum: Governments and businesses must help us to help each other

A blog post by Beatriz Botero Alcira

Contact-tracing apps are important but less effective in a social welfare vacuum: Governments and businesses must help us to help each other A blog post by Beatriz Botero Alcira1)    ...

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A Human Centric Framework to Evaluate the Risks Raised by Contact-Tracing Applications

By Beatriz Botero Arcila, Harvard Law School

ICT4Peace is pleased to publish a paper by  Beatriz Botero Arcila on A Human Centric Framework to Evaluate the Risks Raised by Contact-Tracing Applications Digital technologies, data-gathering and analytics are  ...

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Our solidarity must be grounded on facts – not on fear.

CORONA PAN(DEM)IC: THE GATEWAY TO GLOBAL SURVEILLANCE? Our solidarity must be grounded on facts – not on fear.   As a follow-up to the key note speech by  Regina Surber  ...

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Regina Surber on Corona, Technology and Human Rights

An audio recording of her presentation.

Regina Surber, Senior Advisor at ICT4Peace and the Zurich Hub for Ethics and Technology (ZHET) delivered the keynote speech at the  #SwissCognitive and @AICapitalCO virtual conference entitled “Corona, Technology and Human Rights”. Regina provided  ...

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UN Report on Digital Cooperation: ICT4Peace Contribution to UN Discussion on Global Principled and Inclusive Artificial Intelligence Governance

As part of the UN Secretary General’s Digital Cooperation Recommendations Follow-Up Process, to which ICT4Peace has contributed the following Reflections and Recommendations , ICT4Peace has been invited to participate as one  ...

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