Anne-Marie Buzatu, Executive Director of ICT4Peace participated in the UN OEWG Global Roundtable in ICT Security Capacity-Building at the UN in New York.

Her statement can be summarised as follows:

Since 2014 ICT4Peace implemented over 40 cyber security Policy and Diplomacy Courses for Policy makers and Diplomats in all regions of the world.

In 2021 ICT4Peace launched the ICT4Peace Academy whose objective is to bridge the gap between policy and technology.

Mission of the Academy

The Mission is to facilitate understanding and cooperation between government representatives  and technology experts on cybersecurity and to explain how international law and norms apply to cyber incidents. The global audience of the courses  include diplomats, policy makers, humanitarian and technical cybersecurity experts.

Since its launch in 2021, the Academy  has delivered nearly 20 courses in areas supporting safe and secure cyberspace, including

• Impact of Disinformation on Humanitarian Operations

• Applicationof IHL (Law of Armed Conflict) to Cyberincidents

• State Response Options to Cyberincidents

• Protection of Critical National Infrastructure against Cyber-threats

• Impact of AI on Cybersecurity

• Cyberdiplomacy,Law and Norms

• Cybersecurity and Human Rights: a Gender-inclusive Approach

• The PoA to advance Responsible State Behaviour in Cyberspace

The Teaching Methodologies include

  • Presentations from subject-matter experts 
  • Practical case studies 
  • Interactive tabletop exercises (e.g., Mock OEWG proceedings) 

The Impact and Success Stories since 2021 include:

• More than 800 participants have taken our courses

• 85+% “Excellent” rating in course feedback reviews (15% ”Very Good”)


”Every time I go to one of your courses, I leave with new ideas for how to implement what I have learned into my government”

– 7-time course attendee, Carlos Leonardo, Director, Dominican Republic CSIRT
