Big data

ICT4Peace Blogpost: When going viral can be lethal: The need for reliable information in the wake of Covid-19

By Anne-Marie Buzatu, Senior Advisor ICT4Peace

When going viral can be lethal: The need for reliable information in the wake of Covid-19 By Anne-Marie Buzatu[1] In these uncertain Covid-19 times, most of us have been scrambling to  ...

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Our solidarity must be grounded on facts – not on fear.

CORONA PAN(DEM)IC: THE GATEWAY TO GLOBAL SURVEILLANCE? Our solidarity must be grounded on facts – not on fear.   As a follow-up to the key note speech by  Regina Surber  ...

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Regina Surber on Corona, Technology and Human Rights

An audio recording of her presentation.

Regina Surber, Senior Advisor at ICT4Peace and the Zurich Hub for Ethics and Technology (ZHET) delivered the keynote speech at the  #SwissCognitive and @AICapitalCO virtual conference entitled “Corona, Technology and Human Rights”. Regina provided  ...

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Full video & slidedeck of lecture: From Christchurch to Sri Lanka – The curious case of social media

On 20 May 2019, Sanjana Hattotuwa, a Special Advisor at the ICT4Peace Foundation since 2006, gave a well-attended public lecture at the University of Zurich on the role, reach and  ...

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National Dialogue limits in the age of digital media: ‘New dialogic processes’

Special Advisor at the ICT4Peace Foundation, Sanjana Hattotuwa, joined the 2019 National Dialogues Conference via Skype video on 12 June to both present a short overview of the state-of-play and  ...

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