Big data

Launch of OCHA’s new humanitarian data platform: Humanitarian Data Exchange (HDX)

The Foundation is pleased to note the launch of OCHA’s new humanitarian data platform, HDX. Shown a preview of it some weeks ago, the Foundation believes HDX – well beyond  ...

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How to innovate responsibly in a digital world?

On 19 June 2012 ICT4Peace’s Daniel Stauffacher was invited by Oxford University’s Framework for Responsible Research & Innovation in ICT (FRRIICT) Project to participate in a panel discussion at the  ...

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n=all: Training on big data for United Nations Department of Political Affairs (DPA)

Sanjana Hattotuwa, Special Advisor at the ICT4Peace Foundation, gave a presentation on big data and data science at the invitation of the United Nations Department of Political Affairs (DPA) in  ...

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Innovations in peacebuilding: How technology is changing the way we see the world and respond to violent conflict

UNICEF recently featured Sanjana Hattotuwa, Special Advisor at the ICT4Peace Foundation, in a podcast that looked at how technology was helping strengthen peacebuilding. Talking about how technology has changed the  ...

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The future of ICTs in peacebuilding: Presentation at Build Peace conference 2014

ICT4Peace was an early advisor to and sponsor of this first of its kind conference ‘Peace Through Technology‘ at MIT, Cambridge in April 2014. The Conference explored how information and  ...

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Big Data, ICTs and New Media in Times of Crisis: Presentation at ETH, Zurich

On March 28 2014, as part of the cooperation between the ICT4Peace Foundation and the ETH International Security Network (ISN), the ISN hosted a Roundtable Discussion on “Big Data, ICTs  ...

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