Capacity Building CS

Promotion of a secure and peaceful cyberspace

UN and ICT4Peace engage with private sector on responding to terrorist use of ICT

ICT4Peace is pleased to announce the formal launch of its joint project with the UN Counter Terrorism Executive Directorate (CTED) on tech. sector engagement in responding to terrorist use of  ...

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Countering Violent Extremism & Mobile Advocacy in Myanmar

Sanjana Hattotuwa, Special Advisor at the ICT4Peace Foundation, was invited to take part in Tech Camp 2016, held at Phandeeyar, where he talked about and trained on mobile advocacy and  ...

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ICT4Peace Cyber Security Policy and Diplomacy Workshop at GCSP, Geneva on 14 and 15 March 2016

Building Capacities for Cyber Security Negotiations The ICT4Peace Foundation is honoured to co-organize the Cyber Security Policy and Diplomacy Workshop with the Geneva Center for Security Policy (GCSP) on 14  ...

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African Union Commission and ICT4Peace co-organized Capacity Building for International Cyber Security Negotiations at the AU in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

As part of its Capacity Building Program for International Cyber Security Negotiations, ICT4Peace organised in cooperation with the African Union Commission the first cybersecurity policy and diplomacy workshop at The  ...

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ICT4Peace moderating UN Session on Preventing Terrorists from Exploiting the Internet and Social Media

ICT4Peace was invited by the UN New York to moderate on 16 December 2015 a technical panel discussion on Collaboration between the Public and Private Sector to promote safety and counter  ...

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