Capacity Building ICT

ICT for crisis management and peacebuilding

Training in Crisis Information Management for African Peacekeeping and Peace-building Missions using ICTs and New Media

The ICT4Peace Foundation and its partners conduct a first of its kind training course on Crisis Information Management for African Peacekeeping and Peace-building Missions using ICTs and New Media (Cairo  ...

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MoU with Zentrum für Internationalen Friedensdienst (ZIF)

ICT4Peace is pleased to announce, that the Zentrum für Internationalen Friedensdienst (ZIF) in Berlin and the ICT4 have signed an MoU, that will provide a framework for cooperation in the  ...

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Using citizen journalism to bear witness to violence: TED Talk

Special Advisor to the ICT4Peace Foundation, Sanjana Hattotuwa delivered his TED Talk at TED 2011 in Long Beach, California.

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Enhanced ICT4Peace Crisis Information Management Platform Demonstrator (CIMD)

Ushahidi and the ICT4Peace Foundation have agreed to jointly develop an enhanced ICT4Peace Crisis Information Management Platform Demonstrator (CIMD), based on Ushahidi’s existing platform and as deployed e.g. in Libya  ...

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UN Crisis Information Management Advisory Group (CiMAG) Meeting, 19 May 2011

ICT is a huge enabler and source of empowerment, allowing individuals to take some, albeit limited, control of their own destiny within the chaotic framework of a crisis, natural disaster  ...

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4th ISCRAM Summer School on Humanitarian Information Management and Logistics: The case of the Haiti earthquake

The ICT4Peace Foundation will be present and teaching at the ISCRAM Summer School, from 17 to 26 August 2011 in Tilburg. ### CALL FOR APPLICATIONS 4th ISCRAM SUMMER SCHOOL ON  ...

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