Capacity Building ICT

ICT for crisis management and peacebuilding

ICT4Peace Foundation enters into new agreement with Ushahidi to develop Crisis Information Management Demonstrator (CIMD)

On the occasion of the high-level debate on ICTs for Disaster Management and the workshop on Getting it Right in Crisis Management: Going beyond the hype on ICTs at the  ...

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WSIS Forum 2010: Cumbre Mundial De Las Naciones Unidas Sobre La Sociedad De La Informacion

4 de Mayo 2010:  Tengo el agrado de anunciar que, durante la Cumbre Mundialde la Sociedad de la Información (WSIS) FORO 2010, la Fundación ICT4Peace serála anfitriona de un taller  ...

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Critical information on Chile earthquake: ICT4Peace Foundation sets up crisis information wiki page

As noted on the OpenStreetMap wiki, the 2010 Chile earthquake occurred off the coast of the Maule Region of Chile, on February 27, 2010, at 03:34 local time (06:34 UTC),  ...

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Haiti and beyond: Getting it right in Crisis Information Management

(Hattotuwa and Stauffacher, March 2010) The ICT4Peace Foundation released Haiti and beyond: Getting it right in Crisis Information Management in April 2010 – the first critique of a number of  ...

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Asociación con el Programa de la Maestría de Estudios Avanzados en Logística y Gestión Humanitaria (MAS HLM), de la Universidad de Lugano

Mayo 2010:  La Fundación se asocia con el Programa de la Maestría de Estudios Avanzados en Logística y Gestión Humanitaria (MAS HLM) de la Universidad de Lugano, Suiza, a fin  ...

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Partnership with Master of Advanced Studies in Humanitarian Logistics and Management Programme (MAS HLM), University of Lugano

The ICT4Peace Foundation entered into a partnership with  the Master of Advanced Studies in Humanitarian Logistics and Management Programme (MAS HLM) of the University of Lugano, Switzerland to develop and  ...

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