Capacity Building ICT

ICT for crisis management and peacebuilding

Useful web resources for Haiti earthquake information and help

Twitter feeds (from CNN / requires manual refresh) Wikipedia (refresh often for more updates and edits) Google social media updates (this is updated every second automatically) News  ...

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Presentation at Lunch Seminar on ICT as tools for peace building, crisis management and disaster recovery

Lunch Seminar Security Arena: ICT4Peace – ICT as tools for peace building, crisis management and disaster recovery Date: December 8, 11.30 – 12.30, Lindholmen Science Park – Security Arena Location:  ...

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3rd high-level luncheon on Crisis Information Management (CiM) at the United Nations in New York

24 November 2009: Held at the office of the Swiss Mission in New York, the 3rd high-level luncheon on Crisis Information Management (CiM) was co-organised by the Office of Information  ...

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ICT4Peace Foundation accompanies UN CITO on mission to Haiti (MINUSTAH)

3 – 6 November 2009: Dr. Daniel Stauffacher and Mr. Sanjana Hattotuwa from the ICT4Peace Foundation were invited to participate in a field mission to Haiti by Dr. Soon-Hong Choi,  ...

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Ushahidi’s Goma release incorporates features from ICT4Peace Foundation’s crisis information management prototype

Ushahidi’s launched a major new update to their platform called Goma. The ICT4Peace Foundation is very pleased to see key features in Ushahidi’s Goma release that had evolved directly from  ...

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