Capacity Building ICT

ICT for crisis management and peacebuilding

MoU between L’Ecole de Maintien de la Paix (EMP) and ICT4Peace Foundation

A memorandum of understanding was signed between the ICT4Peace Foundation and the L’Ecole de Maintien de la Paix (EMP) based in Bamako, Mali on 13th July 2009. The full text  ...

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Recommendations and ideas to strengthen best practices of Crisis Information Management at the United Nations, New York

This is an excerpt from Interim Report: Stocktaking of UN Crisis Information Management Capabilities that can be downloaded in full from here. Recommendations and ideas to strengthen best practices of  ...

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Working Session on Crisis Information Management Systems

ICT4Peace co-organized High Level Retreat with the United Nations, New York and the Office of Information and Communications Technology (OICT) The two-day working session will take place on 26 and  ...

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Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Martti Ahtisaari on ICT4Peace

Statement of Martti Ahtisaari, former President of Finland and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate 2008 delivered at High-level meeting to discuss Interim Report: Stocktaking of UN Crisis Information Management Capabilities, held on  ...

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ICT4Peace enters into MoU with Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC)

The ICT4Peace Foundation signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre. The MoU recognises, inter alia, the need to strengthen the role of African States  ...

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Training for Peace: The Governments of Egypt, Japan and UNDP launch a project to develop the leading peacekeeping and conflict resolution centre in Cairo

Cairo, Wednesday 18 June 2008 – Today, the Cairo Regional Centre for Conflict Resolution and Peace-keeping in Africa (CCCPA) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Embassy of Japan and  ...

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