Capacity Building

Workshop on Crisis Information Management at the United Nations

Download the 2017/2018 UN Crisis Information Management stock-taking report here. On 26 February 2018, the ICT4Peace Foundation facilitated a meeting with key UN agencies and departments at the UN Secretariat  ...

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ASEAN ICT4Peace Cybersecurity Policy and Diplomacy workshop in Brunei

ICT4Peace has been invited by the Governments of the UK, Japan and Brunei to support the holding of a workshop on Cybersecurity Policy, Programmes and Diplomacy with ASEAN countries in  ...

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ICT4Peace Lecture on Building an International Governance for Peace and Security in Cyberspace at University of St. Gallen

As part of the University of St. Gallen Master Course ‘Geopolitics Live – Swiss Ambassadors tell it all’, former Ambassador and President of the ICT4Peace Foundation Daniel Stauffacher was invited  ...

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