
In August 2013, the Foundation announced a new course on Crisis Information Management that would be held in Berlin, Germany, looking at how Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs), new media and mobile devices have revolutionised crisis prevention, mitigation, response and recovery.

As noted in a blog post by our partners Zentrum für Internationale Friedenseinsätze (ZIF),

The course covered the different steps of the information management cycle and explored the role new media can have in each. Participants worked in groups in a complex simulation exercise to apply the theories and techniques. To highlight the need for clear information management in peace operations, trainers came from fields of crisis management – military, police, civilian peace operations and humanitarian organizations.

The course is the result of cooperation by the Center for International Peace Operations (ZIF), Folke-Bernadotte Academy and the ICT4Peace Foundation. It was conducted earlier in 2013 in Nairobi, Kenya.

Photos from the course can be on Flickr here.