Cybersecurity High-Level Policy Briefings

ICT4Peace at OSCE: Best practises for Developing and Implementing National Cybersecurity Strategies and Legislation

On the occasion of the OSCE CBMs Contact Meeting in Vienna, (1-3 July 2019), Dr. Eneken Tikk and Dr. Mika Kerttunen of ICT4Peace presented best practices and recommendations for the  ...

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UN GGE – Disturbing installation of malware in civilian critical infrastructure: Governments must adhere to agreed UN norms of responsible state behavior

At a time when the UN is starting two new diplomatic processes to develop further norms of responsible state behaviour in cyberspace, ICT4Peace is disturbed to learn of alleged actions  ...

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UN GGE – ICT4Peace contributing to the EU – UN GGE Regional Consultations on Cybersecurity

In December 2018, the General Assembly established another UN GGE on Cybersecurity and for the first time a UN Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG) on the same topic. ICT4Peace recently published  ...

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ICT4Peace on Emerging Security Issues at New Haven School of Jurisprudence Conference in Hangzhou, China.

ICT4Peace’s Daniel Stauffacher was invited to present at the 10th International Conference on the New Haven School of Jurisprudence in Hangzhou, China. The conference – founded and led by Tulane Law  ...

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UN GGE and UN OEWG: How to live with two concurrent UN Cybersecurity processes

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea and the  Cyber Law Centre at Korea University under the leadership of Prof. PARK Nohyoung organised a panel on “Prospects and Challenges of Developing International Cybersecurity Norms  ...

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UN GGE – Eneken Tikk’s Cyber Norms Blogposts : Search for Cyber Norms – Where to Look? #3 International Cyber Norms through the Aperture of National Legislation

This is the third edition of Eneken Tikk’s Cyber Norms Blogposts. In these posts Dr. Eneken Tikk, Senior Advisor ICT4Peace Foundation, offers her insights on the international cyber norms dialogue  ...

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