Cybersecurity High-Level Policy Briefings

UN GGE – Another Year, Another GGE? The slow process of norm building for cyberspace

The latest report of the UN Group of Governmental Experts (GGE) concerned with “Developments in the field of Information and Telecommunications in the context of International Security”) was published in  ...

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ICT4Peace Presentation at OSCE in Vienna on Capacity Building for International Cyber Security Negotiations

Daniel Stauffacher, President of ICT4Peace Foundation, was invited on 20 July 2015 by US Ambassador to the OSCE Daniel  Baer, Chair of the OSCE Informal Working Group (IWG) on Confidence  ...

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WSIS + 10 ICT4Peace at UN General Assembly interactive hearing on WSIS

The ICT4Peace Foundation is honoured to have been invited to speak at the UN General Assembly on the importance of the emerging ICT tools, including traditional and new media for  ...

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ICT4Peace consultations with the Federal Foreign Office of Germany, Berlin

On 23 April 2015, ICT4Peace was invited by the German Federal Foreign Office to discuss international cybersecurity affairs and to give a presentation on the work and mandate by ICT4Peace  ...

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