Cybersecurity High-Level Policy Briefings

International Conference on Cyber Stability in Moscow

The International Conference on Cyberstability in Moscow took place on 16 and 17 December 2019 at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and was hosted by the  ...

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UN OEWG Intersessional and UN GGE Informal Meetings in New York – ICT4Peace Statements

After having participated in the First substantive session of the OEWG – New York, 9-13 September 2019,  where ICT4Peace delivered the following  statement , along with a written submission of its views,  ...

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UN OEWG ICT4Peace Cybersecurity Policy and Diplomacy preparatory  Workshop with African Diplomats

Cybersecurity Policy and Diplomacy preparatory  Workshop with African Diplomats

In preparation of the next  Round of negotiations on Cybersecurity by  the UN Open Ended Working Group (OEWG) (A/RES/73/27) and by the UN Governmental Group of Experts (UN GGE) (A/RES/73/266) from 2  ...

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Independent Attribution of Cyber-attacks – Workshop at IGF 2019

IGF 2019 Liveblog Day 4: Independent Attribution of Cyber-attacks Workshop co-organized by the The Internet Governance Project (IGP) and ICT4Peace and co-chaired by Milton Mueller and Serge Droz. See also our  ...

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UN OEWG & UN GGE: Preparatory Workshop with African Diplomats successfully completed

In preparation of the next  Round of negotiations on Cybersecurity by  the UN Open Ended Working Group (OEWG) (A/RES/73/27) and by the UN Governmental Group of Experts (UN GGE) (A/RES/73/266) from 2  ...

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The Great .ORG Heist

Immediately after we learned on 21 November 2019  of the troubling news  surrounding the domain name .org, ICT4Peace expressed its dismay about these developments   and  joined the movement to stop  ...

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