Tech Against Terrorism (a joint project between ICT4Peace and UN CTED and the Global Internet Forum on Counter Terrorism (GIFCT) organised on 18 September 2017 an outreach workshop with and for small and medium size tech companies at the Facebook offices in Manhattan, New York to discuss experiences and best practises on how to prevent the use of ICTs and social media platform for terrorist purposes.

The US launch of GIFCT, created by Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter Youtube and Google to counter the threat of terrorist content online, was hosted by of ICT4Peace and UN CTED on 1 August 2017 at Swissnex in San Francisco. UK Home Secretary Amber Rudd and US Home Land Secretary Duke, Switzerland, Spain, Australia, Republic of Korea, the EU as well as small and medium size Tech Companies, Think Tanks and academia participated in the US launch in San Francisco.

On 20 September 2017 ICT4Peace attended a High-Level Debate preventing use of ICTs for terrorist purposes at the General Assembly with President Macron (France), Prime Minister May (UK) and Prime Minister Gentiloni (Italy), Google and Facebook, during which the valuable contribution of UN CTED, ICT4Peace and was mentioned.