ICT4Peace’s Regina Surber took part in the panel ‘AI, Human Dignity and Inclusive Societies’ at ITU’s AIforGood Conference in Geneva. The panel was moderated by Megan Metzger, co-panelists were Wafa Ben-Hassine, Malavika Jarayam, and Mark Latonero.

In his 2017 message to the AI for Good Global Summit, UN Secretary-General António Guterres noted that while AI has enormous potential to help countries achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), it also poses risks to human dignity and human rights, and  also raises new challenges for inclusive societies:

“The implications [of AI] for development are enormous. Developing countries can gain from the benefits of AI, but they also face the highest risk of being left behind…There are real concerns about cybersecurity, human rights and privacy – not to mention the obvious and significant impact on the labour market.”  – UN Secretary-General António Guterres

Building on globally accepted principles—including the UN SDGs and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights —the closing panel of the track ‘AI, Human Dignity & Inclusive Society’ brought together actors from around the world to ensure that AI is deployed to promote peaceful inclusive societies, protect human rights and enhance human dignity.

Regina Surber’s answers to the panel questions can be found here.

See also Regina’s paper on AI, LAWS and Peace Time Threats here.

And Barbara Weekes’ paper on Digital Human Security here.