Celebrating the United Nations at 75
As a global custodian of technology in the pursuit of peace, the ICT4Peace Foundation congratulates the United Nations on its 75th anniversary. ICT4Peace was launched with the support of the ...
As a global custodian of technology in the pursuit of peace, the ICT4Peace Foundation congratulates the United Nations on its 75th anniversary. ICT4Peace was launched with the support of the ...
Together with the Permanent Missions of the Republic of Kenya to the United Nations in New York and Geneva, the UN Office of Disarmament Affairs (ODA) in Geneva and New York, ...
ICT4Peace welcomes the release of Report of the UN Secretary General: Roadmap for Digital Cooperation 2020. “Digital technology does not exist in a vacuum – it has enormous potential for ...
Accountability: the missing ingredient in the comments by states on the OEWG draft report In reviewing the extensive commentary on the Chair’s “Pre-draft” report on the UN Open Ended Working ...
Amb. Paul Meyer, Senior Advisor of ICT4Peace on 29 April 2020 gave a statement at Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade public UN Cyber Consultation Meeting (see the Agenda of ...
ICT4Peace has been supporting the UN Cybersecurity Negotiations at the Open Ended Working Group (OEWG) with substantive inputs since the launch of the negotiations in the fall of 2019 (more ...