ICT4Peace proposal for an independent incident attribution mechanism

UN OEWG UN GGE – A Call to Governments: Critical Infrastructure and Offensive Cyber Operations

An ICT4Peace Proposal for consideration by the UN OEWG and the UN GGE

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, ICT4Peace calls upon governments, especially those possessing offensive cyber capabilities, to publicly confirm that they will respect the norm prohibiting cyber operations directed at critical infrastructure.  ...

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UN OEWG ICT4Peace Submission to UN Negotiations on Cybersecurity in New York (9 – 13 September 2019)

ICT4Peace is pleased to publish its submission to the first meeting of the Open-ended Working Group (OEWG) on ICT and International Security at the UN in New York. Through resolution  ...

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UN GGE – Disturbing installation of malware in civilian critical infrastructure: Governments must adhere to agreed UN norms of responsible state behavior

At a time when the UN is starting two new diplomatic processes to develop further norms of responsible state behaviour in cyberspace, ICT4Peace is disturbed to learn of alleged actions  ...

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UN GGE – 2018: The year that cyber peace became non-binding

In 2017, discussions broke down in a UN group of government experts about guarantees of peace and security in the context of the use of information and communication technologies by  ...

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