ICTs and Human Rights Protection

Les “Techs” Civiques Francophones: Un acteur du Développement et de la Promotion des Droits Humains.

Event at HEID as part of WSIS+20 organised by the Organisation Internationale de La Francophonie and ICT4Peace on 30 Mai 2024 at 18:15

Highly relevant and successful “Techs” Civics Francophones presented their projects on 30 Mai 2024 at HEID Geneva, an event organised by the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie OIF and ICT4peace.   ...

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“World Press Freedom Day” – Africa’s contribution to the edifice of human rights”

By Alain MODOUX, former UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Freedom of Expression, Democracy and Peace , and Vice-Chair Emeritus ICT4Peace Foundation

Alain MODOUX played a pivotal role in steering the process which led the United Nations General Assembly to proclaim 3 May “World Press Freedom Day”. See also article by UNESCO.  ...

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Anne-Marie Buzatu participating in Geneva Peace Week High-Level Panel on How to leverage technology for human-centered peacebuilding

Beyond the digital: How to leverage technology for human-centered peacebuilding. Wednesday 2 November 2022 13:30 - 14:45

Anne-Marie Buzatu, Vice-President of ICT4Peace will participate in the in-person High Level Panel on the track “Digital peace: The power and limits of innovation in peacebuilding”: Beyond the digital: How to  ...

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2 Documents