ICTs and Human Rights Protection

The future of ICTs in peacebuilding: Presentation at Build Peace conference 2014

ICT4Peace was an early advisor to and sponsor of this first of its kind conference ‘Peace Through Technology‘ at MIT, Cambridge in April 2014. The Conference explored how information and  ...

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MONUSCO: Workshop on ICTs and new media for UN peacekeeping and peace-building

Improving Situational Awareness Workshop and Training at MONUSCO, Goma DRC, 13 – 16 May Improved situational awareness is critical to effective operations and informed decision-making to protect civilians, save lives  ...

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Big Data, ICTs and New Media in Times of Crisis: Presentation at ETH, Zurich

On March 28 2014, as part of the cooperation between the ICT4Peace Foundation and the ETH International Security Network (ISN), the ISN hosted a Roundtable Discussion on “Big Data, ICTs  ...

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UAViators: Exploring the use of UAVs for non-lethal purposes

Photo credit: Pia Zaragoza, via UNICEF In March 2014, Patrick Meier invited the ICT4Peace Foundation to give input into what at the time was a draft note around creating a global  ...

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Innovation in UN peacekeeping: Discussing the state-of-the-art and the future

On April 7th a high-level panel with the two UN Under-Secretaries for Peace-Keeping, Ameerah Haq and Hervé Ladsous was organized at IPI in New York focusing on advances in technologies  ...

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