ICTs for the prevention of mass atrocity crimes

ICTs for the prevention of mass atrocity crimes

An ICT4Peace Publication by Caroline Hargreaves and Sanjana Hattotuwa

What is being done to support the prevention of mass atrocity crimes as well as reconciliation, healing and justice with a particular emphasis on the use of Information and Communications  ...

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Interview with Daniel Stauffacher in Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ): “Schwarm-Intelligenz und Rudel-Blödsinn”

Articles that appeared on NZZ in print and online, featuring an interview with the President of the ICT4Peace Foundation, Daniel Stauffacher: «Technologie rettet Leben» and an Article by Eric Gujer,  ...

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Untying the Gordian Knot: ICT for Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding

ICT4Peace, ODR and ICT for crisis management Thoughts on the use of technology for peacebuilding, conflict transformation and reconciliation. Download the article here.

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