18 February 2010: The ICT4Peace Foundation is pleased to announce that The Chilean Joint Peacekeeping Operations Centre (CECOPAC), located in Santiago de Chile and the ICT4Peace Foundation, Geneva have signed an MOU for Cooperation on 18 February 2010.
The Chilean Joint Peacekeeping Operations Centre, created in July 15th 2002, is training military, police and civilian staff in planning, execution and evaluation of multi-stakeholder Peacekeeping Operations.
The cooperation will focus on the development and implementation of quality specialized training programmes in the field of peacekeeping and human security, with special emphasis on key role of crisis information management in integrated multi-stakeholder and multi-dimensional peacekeeping operations, in particular to overcome the lack of shared situational awareness among all actors involved in PKO and humanitarian operations.
The ICT4Peace Foundation has, for the same purpose, already signed cooperation agreements with: Cairo Regional Centre for Training on Conflict Resolution & Peacekeeping in Africa (CCCPA), Cairo; Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC), Accra, Ghana; Ecole pour le maintien de la Paix, (EMP) Mali.