ICT4Peace is pleased to announce the successful completion of the new 5 Days Online Training Course for Government Officials from East African Countries from 23 – 27 November 2020. This online pilot course over 5 days had the goal to enhance and support existing governmental efforts in building capacity in East African countries. The course was organised in cooperation with the Government of Kenya and is supported by the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs. The course would not have been possible without the active support by the Permanent Mission of Kenya to the UN in New York. The course has been lead by Ms. Anne-Marie Buzatu, Vice-President and COO of ICT4Peace. Dr. Kathrine Getao of Kenya, Dr. Przemyslaw Roguski  of Poland, Mr. Taye A. Edris of the African Union  and Véronique Christory of the ICRC have been lecturers. We thank Ms. Eva Nthoki of the Kenyan Mission to the UN in New York and Mr. Koigu Ndgewa of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kenya for their great support to the organisation of this course.

The online certificate program will enable the participants to engage meaningfully and effectively in international cybersecurity discussions, particularly within the United Nations’ First Committee but also outside the United Nations. The program provided participants with an overview of the normative framework of responsible state behaviour promulgated by the UN, coupled with a more detailed analysis of specific issue areas, including those relevant to the EAC region and the African Continent. The course endeavoured to contribute to a better understanding of the controversies that dominate the current international dialogue on cybersecurity.

The participants were Public officials of ministries with an interest to participate in the dialogue on international rules and norms of cybersecurity at the UN and elsewhere.


In the context and support of the negotiations in the UN OEWG and UN GGE, ICT4Peace in cooperation with the Mission of Kenya to the UN in New York, the Office of Disarmament Affairs (ODA) and the generous support of the Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs has carried out the following Training courses for African Diplomats and policy makers:

Since 2014, ICT4Peace has carryed out over 20 Cybersecurity Policy and Diplomacy Capacity Building Courses with the generous support of and cooperation of the Governments of the UK, Singapore, Thailand, Colombia, Kenya, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, Brunei, Australia, New Zealand, Germany and Switzerland as well as the UN Department for Disarmament Affairs, OAS, ASEAN, AU and RSIS. Please see a description of the ICT4Peace Cybersecurity Capacity Building Program here.