New media for crisis management and peacebuilding

Call for deeper engagement by all for the peaceful use of ICTs in 2015

Dear Friends and Colleagues, 2014 has again been a busy year for all those working on ICTs to safe lives and protect human dignity as well as to maintain international  ...

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Better Information Management in Peacekeeping Operations through ICTs – Training at UN RSCE Entebbe

More photos from the training programme here. The ICT4Peace Foundation in cooperation with its partners, the Center for International Peace Operations (ZIF), Berlin and the Folke Bernadotte Accademy, (FBA), Stockholm carried  ...

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International Conference of Crisis Mappers 2014: New York

The ICCM 2014 conference in New York, which the ICT4Peace co-funded and co-curated, concluded successfully. The Foundation’s support of ICCM extends a number of years. In 2011, the Foundation organised  ...

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Supporting ICRC’s Global Partnerships for Humanitarian Impact and Innovation

Photo courtesy ICRC Daniel Stauffacher and Sanjana Hattotuwa from the ICT4Peace Foundation were invited to attend the inaugural Global Partnerships for Humanitarian Impact and Innovation conference held on October 16th  ...

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