New media for crisis management and peacebuilding

ISCRAM Summer School 2012: The current state and future of CiM

Having first taught at the ISCRAM Summer School in 2011, ICT4Peace Foundation’s Special Advisor Sanjana Hattotuwa was again invited to teach at the 2012 Summer School, held at the University  ...

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Protection in violent situations: Standards for managing sensitive information

On 23 August 2012, Simone Eymann on behalf of the ICT4Peace Foundation participated in a one-day consultation, co-organised by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and InterAction, on  ...

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Report of the Crisis Information Management CiMAG Retreat, 10–12 June 2012

The report of the Crisis Information Management CiMAG Retreat, held from 10–12 June 2012 at Dolce Palisades, New York is now available. Please download a copy of it here. Big  ...

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The Impact of New Technologies and ICTs on Sustainable Development: Panel at Rio+20

Organized by the Global Alliance for Information and Communication Technologies and Development (GAID) and Office of UN’s Chief Information Technology Officer (CITO) Introduction The intersection of Information and Communication Technology  ...

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