Norms of Responsible Behaviour and Confidence Building Measures (CBMs) for the Cyberspace

ICT4Peace addressing the Russian National Association for International Information Security

Plenary Session: “Current problems of ensuring international peace and maintaining sustainable development in the global information society”.

ICT4Peace’s Daniel Stauffacher has been invited to address the Plenary Session of the Russian National Association for International Information Security on the topic: «Partnership of State, Business and Civil Society  ...

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Organisation of American States (OAS) ICT4Peace Five Days Online Cyber Diplomacy Course completed

International Cyber Diplomacy, Law and Norms

ICT4Peace is pleased to announce the successful completion of the new 5 Days Online Training Course for Government Officials from Latin America and the Caribbean Islands  from 30 November – 4 December  2020 in  ...

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New 5 Days Online Course on Cybersecurity Policy for East African Countries completed

In cooperation with the Government of Kenya and the African Union and with the support of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs

ICT4Peace is pleased to announce the successful completion of the new 5 Days Online Training Course for Government Officials from East African Countries from 23 – 27 November 2020. This online pilot  ...

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It is more than a question of health – the need to protect critical infrastructure

"It is not in the public interest if those possessing offensive cyber capabilities, believe that they are free to “cherry-pick” which critical infrastructure in foreign countries they will refrain from attacking and which they will target."

It is more than a question of health – the need to protect critical infrastructure   “It is not in the public interest if those possessing offensive cyber capabilities, believe  ...

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Cyber Attacks on Civilian Critical Infrastructure: Peter Maurer President ICRC calls fo preventive action at Security Council

On August 26, 2020 at the initiative of Indonesia that month’s President of the UN Security Council, an informal “Arria formula” meeting was held. The theme was broadly the protection  ...

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OEWG UN GGE 3rd ICT4Peace Capacity Building Workshop on Cybersecurity Policy and Diplomacy with African Diplomatic Delegations

Online Workshop In support of UN OEWG and UN GGE Negotiations on Cybersecurity in New York and Geneva

Together with the Permanent Missions of the Republic of Kenya to the United Nations in New York and Geneva, the UN Office of Disarmament Affairs (ODA) in Geneva and New York,  ...

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