Norms of Responsible Behaviour and Confidence Building Measures (CBMs) for the Cyberspace

ICT4Peace at OAS Meeting in Oxford: Urgent Need to address the Digital Security Divide

ICTPeace was invited by the Organization of American States (OAS) to participate in a Workshop with Parliamentarians from the OAS on (27-28 February 2019) on Cybersecurity and Strengthening Democratic Processes  ...

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UN GGE – Eneken Tikk’s Cyber Norms Blogposts: Search for Cyber Norms – Where to Look? #2 National Views and Positions in the UN

This is the second edition of Eneken Tikk’s Cyber Norms Blogposts. This series of articles is published on a monthly basis in 2019. In these posts Dr. Eneken Tikk, Senior  ...

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UN GGE – Eneken Tikk’s Cyber Norms Blogposts: Search for Cyber Norms – Where to Look?

In 2019, Dr. Eneken Tikk, Senior Advisor ICT4Peace Foundation, will offer her insights on the international cyber norms dialogue in monthly posts. These Cyber Norms Blogposts will highlight normative contributions  ...

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High-level Panel on Digital Cooperation: Reflections and Recommendations from the ICT4Peace Foundation

The ICT4Peace Foundation is pleased to present for the consideration of the High-level Panel on Digital Cooperation some insights, observations and recommendations based on over ten years of a close,  ...

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The cost of digital peace: Reflections for 2019

2018 served to acutely remind us of the essential fragility of that initial idea the pioneers of the Internet had around bringing humanity together by connecting them. From the start  ...

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UN GGE – 2018: The year that cyber peace became non-binding

In 2017, discussions broke down in a UN group of government experts about guarantees of peace and security in the context of the use of information and communication technologies by  ...

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