Policy Research

Don’t let Cyber War escalate

Article in Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ) by Paul Meyer and Daniel Stauffacher of ICT4Peace

Article in Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ) by Paul Meyer and Daniel Stauffacher. “The U.S. recently fell victim to a cyberattack of staggering proportions: Using a compromised software upgrade, a foreign  ...

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Neutrality in Cyberspace: A Challenge for Switzerland

Op-ed in Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ) by Amb. Martin Dahinden and Sara Pangrazzi

Martin Dahinden, former Ambassador of Switzerland to the United States and Member of the ICT4Peace Foundation Board and Sara Pangrazzi, PhD candidate of the University of Zurich published on 30  ...

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It is more than a question of health – the need to protect critical infrastructure

"It is not in the public interest if those possessing offensive cyber capabilities, believe that they are free to “cherry-pick” which critical infrastructure in foreign countries they will refrain from attacking and which they will target."

It is more than a question of health – the need to protect critical infrastructure   “It is not in the public interest if those possessing offensive cyber capabilities, believe  ...

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Is Social Media Driving Instability?

A blogpost by Sanjana Hattotuwa

Is Social Media Driving Instability? By Sanjana Hattotuwa. Posted on 12 October 2020 on the New Zealand Classification Office official website. What could I do to destabilise New Zealand? Quite  ...

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Sanjana Hattotuwa’s Conversation with New Zealand’s Classification Office on social media

Podcast featuring Sanjana Hattotuwa, Special Advisor at ICT4Peace Foundation, in conversation with New Zealand’s Classification Office, on the role of social media platforms both in terms of promoting incendiary content  ...

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