Policy Research

More support needed for smaller technology platforms to counter terrorist content

Please find the most recent report by the UN Counter Terrorism Executive Directorate (UN CTED) entitled “More support needed for smaller technology platforms to counter terrorist content”. It includes the  ...

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Impact of social media in elections: A policy brief

ICT4Peace is pleased that Special Advisor Sanjana Hattottuwa has published Policy Brief by Toda Peace Institute and the Alliance for Peacebuilding on social media and violence during elections, anchored to  ...

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UN GGE – ICT4Peace at Wuzhen World Internet Conference: Implementation of internationally agreed Norms on Peace and Security is urgent

ICT4Peace was invited for the second time to attend the Wuzhen World Internet Conference. In the workshop “Norms in Cyberspace: Practises and Explorations”, organised by the China Institutes of Contemporary  ...

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Welcoming UN Secretary General’s strategy on new technologies

As noted on Twitter, the ICT4Peace Foundation welcomes the release of the report on new technologies by the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. The report outlines a bold new vision for the  ...

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