Policy Research

For a Swiss Digital Charter – A proposal for an open, free, prosperous and democratic society

Op-ed in Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ) of 15 June 2021 by Barbara Weekes, Anne-Marie Buzatu and Daniel Stauffacher, all of ICT4Peace

Op-ed published in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ) on 16 June 2021. See Op-ed in NZZ here. An English translation can be found here. The French translation here. The original concept  ...

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Video and text of presentation on Reimagining Extremism: Context, culture, community and country

ICT4Peace Foundation’s Special Advisor Sanjana Hattotuwa was invited by New Zealand’s Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet to speak at He Whenua Taurikura, New Zealand’s first annual hui (meaning a  ...

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ICT4Peace Commentary on final UN GGE 2021 Report

Incremental Progress or Circular Motion? - The UN Group of Governmental Experts (UNGGE) Report 2021 by Amb. (ret) Paul Meyer, ICT4Peace Senior Advisor.

Incremental Progress or Circular Motion? – The UN Group of Governmental Experts (UN GGE) Report 2021 Making progress on complex issues in a forum like the United Nations with 193  ...

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First session of Paris Call Working Group 3 moderated by Anne-Marie Buzatu, ICT4Peace

Supporting the Continuation of UN Negotiations With a Strong Multi-Stakeholder Approach (Wednesday, 26 May 4:30-6:00pm CET)

The virtual roundtable will be chaired by Anne-Marie Buzatu, Vice-President Chief Operations Officer at the ICT4Peace Foundation. Anne-Marie will kick-off with a presentation on a successful multi-stakeholder initiative, the International  ...

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