Policy Research CS

Promotion of a secure and peaceful cyberspace

ICT4Peace and OAS co-organize workshop on International Security and Diplomacy in Cyberspace

The ICT4Peace Foundation and the Organisation of American States (OAS) conducted a first of its kind  “Workshop on International Security and Diplomacy in Cyberspace”  with over 50 participants (Diplomats, Security and  ...

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How to innovate responsibly in a digital world?

On 19 June 2012 ICT4Peace’s Daniel Stauffacher was invited by Oxford University’s Framework for Responsible Research & Innovation in ICT (FRRIICT) Project to participate in a panel discussion at the  ...

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Baseline Review of ICT-Related Processes and Events: Implications for International and Regional Security

ICT4Peace is pleased to announce its latest publication ‚‘Baseline Review of ICT-Related Processes and Events: Implications for International and Regional Security’ by Camino Kavanagh, Tim Maurer and Eneken Tikk-Ringas. Download  ...

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UN GGE – ICT4Peace briefs the UN in Geneva on the cyber security challenge and what can be done

On 21 March 2014, former Ambassadors Daniel Stauffacher (Switzerland) and Paul Meyer (Canada) from the ICT4Peace Foundation, were invited by Director-General Michael Moller, United Nations Office at Geneva for an Executive  ...

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ICT4Peace Presentation on Preventing Cyber Conflict at the United Nations in Geneva

On 10 February 2014, Daniel Stauffacher, President of the ICT4Peace Foundation was invited to make a presentation at the United Nations Office in Geneva on the topic of Preventing Cyber  ...

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2013 and ICT4Peace: Year in Review

Dear Colleagues, 2013 has again been an eventful year for the ICT4Peace Foundation, not only in its work helping the UN and the international community to improve crisis information management  ...

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