Policy Research CS

Promotion of a secure and peaceful cyberspace

Neutrality in Cyberspace: A Challenge for Switzerland

Op-ed in Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ) by Amb. Martin Dahinden and Sara Pangrazzi

Martin Dahinden, former Ambassador of Switzerland to the United States and Member of the ICT4Peace Foundation Board and Sara Pangrazzi, PhD candidate of the University of Zurich published on 30  ...

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It is more than a question of health – the need to protect critical infrastructure

"It is not in the public interest if those possessing offensive cyber capabilities, believe that they are free to “cherry-pick” which critical infrastructure in foreign countries they will refrain from attacking and which they will target."

It is more than a question of health – the need to protect critical infrastructure   “It is not in the public interest if those possessing offensive cyber capabilities, believe  ...

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Facebook Reform Must Be Seen as a Global Matter

This article first appeared on Techonomy. ### Facebook is a company that responds to pressure, and to lawsuits, but we in the Global South, at least as much affected by  ...

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Amb. Martin Dahinden: Beyond Covid – Connectivity and digitization empowers people in developing countries

Op-ed by Amb. Martin Dahinden in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ).

Beyond Covid-19: Connectivity and digitisation empowers people in developing countries Op-ed by Amb. Martin Dahinden in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ). The original text in German can be found here.  ...

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Peace processes after the pandemic: What role for technology?

Framing In 2002, as an integral part of an official ceasefire negotiations processes in Sri Lanka after decades of war, commercial off-the-shelf-software (COTS) was adopted and adapted to support the  ...

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UN OEWG UNGGE – Video Interview with Amb. Paul Meyer: ICT4Peace Calls to Governments on Offensive Cyber Operations

ICT4Peace Senior Advisor Anne-Marie Buzatu sat down with Ambassador Paul Meyer in the first of a series of interviews with ICT4Peace’s team members and partners. They discussed a wide range  ...

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