Policy Research ICT

ICT for crisis management and peacebuilding

Supporting ICRC’s Global Partnerships for Humanitarian Impact and Innovation

Photo courtesy ICRC Daniel Stauffacher and Sanjana Hattotuwa from the ICT4Peace Foundation were invited to attend the inaugural Global Partnerships for Humanitarian Impact and Innovation conference held on October 16th  ...

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Contributions to UN Expert Panel on Technology and Innovation in Peace Operations

ICT4Peace contributes to the work of the UN Expert Panel on Technology and Innovation in Peace Operations at ZIF, Berlin 22 – 22 August 2014. In June 2014, UN Under-Secretaries-General  ...

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Report of Crisis Information Management Advisory Group (CiMAG) 2014 Retreat

Led by the UN’s Office of Information and Communications Technology (OICT) and organised by the ICT4Peace Foundation, the 2014 Crisis Information Management Advisory Group (CiMAG) meeting was held on 23rd  ...

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Launch of OCHA’s new humanitarian data platform: Humanitarian Data Exchange (HDX)

The Foundation is pleased to note the launch of OCHA’s new humanitarian data platform, HDX. Shown a preview of it some weeks ago, the Foundation believes HDX – well beyond  ...

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