Policy Research ICT

ICT for crisis management and peacebuilding

Consultation on “Protection in violent situations – standards for managing sensitive information”

Dutch Red Cross worker Meike Groen, working for the ICRC in Haiti, helps people use the satellite phone to reassure relatives that they are alive, via Flickr. © ICRC / Marko Kokic /  ...

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Big Data & social media for crisis management: Lecture at ETH, Zurich

Sanjana Hattotuwa, Special Advisor to the ICT4Peace Foundation, delivered a public lecture on Big Data & social media for crisis management at Zurich’s Swiss Federal Institute of Technology – ETH, one of  ...

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‘Humanitarianism in the Network Age’ by OCHA highlights shared interests and work

The ICT4Peace Foundation recognises UN OCHA’s new publication Humanitarianism in the Network Age as a significant contribution to our understanding of how new technologies including new web based social media, are  ...

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Workshop on ICTs and Human Rights at United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

The ICT4Peace Foundation on Tuesday, 12th March held a workshop  with The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)’s Peace Mission Support and Rapid Response Section.  ...

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Training in Nairobi on Social Media as a Means of Crisis Information Management – A Kenyan Case Study

by Christopher Radler After having been rather illiterate in the field of Social Media and the huge potential it offers, and only being able to receive a first glimpse through  ...

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Webinar: Digital activism, an Egyptian perspective

Member of the ICT4Peace Foundation’s Advisory Board, Egyptian digital activist, blogger, and WACC member Kamal Sedra will lead the webinar about how social media has influenced—and is influencing—the Egyptian political  ...

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