Policy Research ICT

ICT for crisis management and peacebuilding

Web Foundation Announces Publication of Accelerating Development Using the Web: Empowering Poor and Marginalized Populations

George Sadowsky, the editor, along with Najeeb Al-Shorbaj, WHO, Torbjörn Fredriksson, UNCTAD, two of the fourteen authors and ICT4Peace’s Daniel Stauffacher, member of the Board of the World Wide Web  ...

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ICT for post-conflict reconstruction: WSIS High Level Panel

The ICT4Peace Foundation, infoDev, a global partnership of the World Bank, and ITU are organising a High-Level Dialogue and Thematic Workshop focusing on “ICT for post-conflict reconstruction” during the forthcoming  ...

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The potential and challenges of open data for crisis information management and aid efficiency: A preliminary assessment

The ICT4Peace Foundation is pleased to inform you about its most recent paper entitled The potential and challenges of open data for crisis information management and aid efficiency: A preliminary  ...

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Crisis Information Management Platform (CIM Platform)

During the high-level debate on ‘ICTs for Disaster Management’ and the workshop on ‘Getting it Right in Crisis Management: Going beyond the hype on ICTs’ at the World Summit on  ...

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ICT4Peace Foundation’s verification plugin for Ushahidi used in Egypt

The Ushahidi blog features a guest post by Alex Mayyasi, a graduate of Stanford University’s International Relations program, class of 2011, living in Cairo, Egypt on the use of the  ...

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ICT4Peace supports Futurict.eu: An EU FET Flagship Pilot Project

28 November, Geneva, Switzerland – Daniel Stauffacher, Chairman, ICT4Peace Foundation, participated as a member of the Futurict project team in the EU FET Flagship Pilots Midterm Conference, 24-25 November 2011,  ...

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