Policy Research ICT

ICT for crisis management and peacebuilding

For a Swiss Digital Charter – A proposal for an open, free, prosperous and democratic society

Op-ed in Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ) of 15 June 2021 by Barbara Weekes, Anne-Marie Buzatu and Daniel Stauffacher, all of ICT4Peace

Op-ed published in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ) on 16 June 2021. See Op-ed in NZZ here. An English translation can be found here. The French translation here. The original concept  ...

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Digital Technologies, Peacebuilding and Civil Society by Julia Hofstetter, Senior Advisor ICT4Peace

Addressing Digital Conflict Drivers and Moving the Digital Peacebuilding Agenda Forward

ICT4Peace warmly recommends reading the excellent Report by Julia Hofstetter, Senior Advisor ICT4Peace, called:  Digital Technologies, Peacebuilding and Civil Society – Addressing Digital Conflict Drivers and Moving the Digital Peacebuilding  ...

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The New EU Legislation on Artificial Intelligence: A Primer

by Prof. Thomas Burri and Dr. Fredrik von Bothmer

In this primer Prof. Thomas Burri and Dr. Fredrick von Bothmer 1) discuss the EU Commission’s proposal of 21 April 2021 of new Union legislation to regulate artificial intelligence (AI)  ...

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Video of session: Information disorder & conflict – The humanitarian dimension

What are “information disorders”? What impact do they have on conflict and other situations of violence? And how can humanitarians better understand them and mitigate their negative effects? Special Advisor  ...

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