Policy Research ICT

ICT for crisis management and peacebuilding

Evaluation of IT humanitarian platforms and their possible utilisation as co-ordination instrument

Evaluation of IT humanitarian platforms and their possible utilisation as co-ordination instrument Marcel Hummelink, Amsterdam, September 2002 Conclusions, recommendations and questions regarding the present and future role of information technology in  ...

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GAID adopted ICT4Peace as Focus Area in Kuala Lumpur June 2006

Based on a proposal of the ICT4Peace Foundation, the UN Global Alliance for ICT for Development (GAID) has adopted ICT4Peace as one of its focus area of work at its  ...

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Paul Currion on Report on Information Technology and Requirements for Emergency Capacity Building

Dear Colleagues, The Emergency Capacity Building Project is proud to announce the release of the final version of its Report on Information Technology and Requirements. This comprehensive five-part Report is  ...

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