Policy Research ICT

ICT for crisis management and peacebuilding

ICT4Peace and WEF Global Shapers Meeting in Zurich: Building an Inclusive and Principled AI Governance

    Along with Dr. Christian B. Westermann, Leader Data & Analytics and Partner at PwC Switzerland, Dr. Daniel Stauffacher, President, ICT4Peace and Zurich Hub for Ethics and Technology (ZHET)  ...

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The role of social media in elections: Comparative cases and discussion

Sanjana Hattotuwa, Senior Advisor at the ICT4Peace Foundation, was invited by Democracy Reporting International (DRI) to deliver a presentation on the role, reach and relevance of social media in Sri  ...

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The Great .ORG Heist

Immediately after we learned on 21 November 2019  of the troubling news  surrounding the domain name .org, ICT4Peace expressed its dismay about these developments   and  joined the movement to stop  ...

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ICT4Peace supports Call to Stop Sale of the Public Interest Registry (PIR)

Daniel Stauffacher danielstauffacher@ict4peace.org President ICT4Peace Foundation ATTN: Andrew Sullivan, CEO, Internet Society Jon Nevett, CEO, Public Interest Registry Maarten Botterman, Board Chair, Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers Göran  ...

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UN OEWG UN GGE – A Call to Governments: Critical Infrastructure and Offensive Cyber Operations

An ICT4Peace Proposal for consideration by the UN OEWG and the UN GGE

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, ICT4Peace calls upon governments, especially those possessing offensive cyber capabilities, to publicly confirm that they will respect the norm prohibiting cyber operations directed at critical infrastructure.  ...

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