
From the UN Chronicle: Strengthening Crisis Information Management

Daniel Stauffacher, former Ambassador of Switzerland to the United Nations and Co-Founder and Chairman of the ICT4Peace Foundation writes for the UN Chronicle on Crisis Information Management. He notes that,  ...

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MoU with Zentrum für Internationalen Friedensdienst (ZIF)

ICT4Peace is pleased to announce, that the Zentrum für Internationalen Friedensdienst (ZIF) in Berlin and the ICT4 have signed an MoU, that will provide a framework for cooperation in the  ...

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Successful deployment of Ushahidi – ICT4Peace information validation tool (The Matrix) during Egyptian election

In 2010, the ICT4Peace Foundation mandated Ushahidi to develop a plugin for Ushahidi’s existing web based platform to validate information generated from the ground. This plugin, called the Matrix, was  ...

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ICT4Peace supports the UN Humanitarian Response | Creating a Common Operational Dataset Registry

The ICT4Peace Foundation and the Swiss Government supported OCHA to build The Humanitarian Response – Common and Operational Datasets Registry to make critical information during a humanitarian crisis available to  ...

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Participation at UN OCHA wash-up meeting on Libya including ICT4Peace Wiki

On 15th June 2011, the Foundation was invited to an OCHA sponsored washup meeting to reflect on the lessons identified and learnt as part of the unprecedented collaboration between the  ...

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