
The Text message – an important transmitter of information in times of crisis

Media – The use of information and communication technologies in order to promote peace in the world. This is the challenge of the ICT4Peace foundation, based in Geneva. Interview with  ...

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« Le SMS, un vecteur important d’information en temps de crise. Un interview avec Daniel Stauffacher, Président de la Fondation ICT4Peace »

Utiliser les technologies d'information et communication pour favoriser la paix dans le monde, c'est le pari de la fondation Ict4Peace, basée à Genève.

Interview par Caroline Stevan Le Temps Genève, Jeudi 20 mars 2008 Le Sommet mondial sur la société de l’information (SMSI), dont la première phase s’est déroulée en 2003 à Genève,  ...

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Interview with Daniel Stauffacher, Chairman of Ict4Peace Foundation on ICT4Peace by David Kirkpatrick from Fortune Magazine

Fortune Magazine published on 4th January 2008 an article on the ICT4Peace Foundation and it’s work on ICT for peacebuilding. “As 2008 gets underway we don’t have peace. (Just look  ...

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ICT4Peace Launch Event at the United Nations, New York – Participants, Report, President Martti Ahtisaari’s speech and Concept Note

The Permanent Representative of Switzerland hosted a High-Level working Lunch, on 15 November 2007. The event was sponsored by the ICT4Peace Foundation with the support of UN DESA Global Alliance  ...

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