ICT4Peace in the Media

Principles over promises: Responding to terrorism

Almost exactly a year ago, Facebook was in the news in New Zealand over a row with Privacy Commissioner John Edwards. The heated public exchange between Edwards and the company  ...

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Radio interview with Daniel Stauffacher on the Christchurch Tragedy

In the aftermath of the Christchurch Tragedy, on 18 March 2019, Swiss Radio conducted an Interview with Daniel Stauffacher, President of ICT4Peace on the role of social media in the  ...

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Pulse points

A Social Media Analysis of the Christchurch Massacre

Whether bound by country, city or community, the pulse of or, on Friday, the pain from a place like Christchurch can often be determined by the careful collection of social  ...

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Terrorists know they have the upper hand on social media

Coming out of a long meeting, the first I heard of the violence in Christchurch was from those in Sri Lanka who had got breaking news alerts. I was both  ...

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ICT4Peace in Neue Zürcher Zeitung NZZ demands an urgent public debate and regulatory engagement regarding artificial intelligence by the Swiss people and authorities

Regina Surber and Daniel Stauffacher published the following guest commentary in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ) on 19 September 2018. Regina Surber is a Scientific Advisor to ICT4Peace and the  ...

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Ron Deibert at the 14th Zurich Film Festival: Talk on “New Media, AI and how it affects our lives“

The ICT4Peace Foundation and the Zurich Hub for Ethics and Technology (ZHET) are proud partners of the #BigData section of the 14th Zurich Film Festival. In this context, the foundation has organised a talk, which  ...

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