
Swiss Neutrality in the age of Cyber Warfare

A discussion paper by Martin Dahinden,Former Ambassador of Switzerland to the US and member of the ICT4Peace Foundation Board.

ICT4Peace is proud to publish a first of its kind discussion paper by Martin Dahinden on Swiss neutrality in the age of cyber warfare. The original text in German can  ...

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Don’t let Cyber War escalate

Article in Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ) by Paul Meyer and Daniel Stauffacher of ICT4Peace

Article in Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ) by Paul Meyer and Daniel Stauffacher. “The U.S. recently fell victim to a cyberattack of staggering proportions: Using a compromised software upgrade, a foreign  ...

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An International Response to Offensive Cyber Operations is long overdue

An Article by Paul Meyer, Senior Advisor, ICT4Peace in Policy Options, Canada

Recent cyberattacks underscore the need for international norms of responsible behavior, and an institutionalized process to support them. Article by Amb. (ret.) Paul Meyer, Senior Advisor, ICT4Peace in Policy Options,  ...

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Neutrality in Cyberspace: A Challenge for Switzerland

Op-ed in Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ) by Amb. Martin Dahinden and Sara Pangrazzi

Martin Dahinden, former Ambassador of Switzerland to the United States and Member of the ICT4Peace Foundation Board and Sara Pangrazzi, PhD candidate of the University of Zurich published on 30  ...

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