
ICT4Peace: A Comprehensive Normative Approach to Cybersecurity is needed

Seeking to contribute to the international dialogue on norms for responsible behavior in cyberspace, ICT4Peace, with the support of the Dutch Government, organized a series of workshops and research notes  ...

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First ICT4Peace publication in Spanish: A Role for Civil Society in Cybersecurity Affairs

Also on the occasion of the Global Conference on Cyberspace April 2015 in the Hague Netherlands, ICT4Peace is pleased to announce that it’s publication on the Role of Civil Society  ...

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Welcoming the timely release of UN’s Performance Peacekeeping Report

The ICT4Peace Foundation welcomes the release of the UN’s ‘Performance Peacekeeping’ Report, looking at the how technology in general and ICTs in particular can strengthen the mandate of the UN’s  ...

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UN General Assembly and UN Secretary General take important steps to improve Crisis Information Management

The UN General Assembly in December 2014 approved the UN Secretary-General’s Strategy, to better exploit the enormous potential of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) for decision-making and delivery capacity of  ...

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