
Call for deeper engagement by all for the peaceful use of ICTs in 2015

Dear Friends and Colleagues, 2014 has again been a busy year for all those working on ICTs to safe lives and protect human dignity as well as to maintain international  ...

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ICT4Peace supports OSCE on Cyber Confidence-Buidling Measures (CBMs): Promoting implementation, supporting negotiations

Ambassador (ret.) Paul Meyer (Moderator) and Dr. Eneken Tikk (on the far right) ICT4Peace, along with a number of representatives from think-tanks, academia, civil society organisations and the private sector  ...

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UAV Experts Meeting at the United Nations

Co-sponsored by the ICT4Peace Foundation, the Experts Meeting on Humanitarian UAVs was held at the UN Secretariat in New York on Thursday, 6th November 2014. A full report by  ...

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International Conference of Crisis Mappers 2014: New York

The ICCM 2014 conference in New York, which the ICT4Peace co-funded and co-curated, concluded successfully. The Foundation’s support of ICCM extends a number of years. In 2011, the Foundation organised  ...

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